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Team Visit Report

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Governance and Organization 

Standard for Accreditation

 Introduction: A school must be clearly organized and effectively led in order to achieve its preferred future. MSA believes that school governance, leadership, faculty, and staff must work together collaboratively and cooperatively with the community to strategically plan for the school’s continuous improvement. Policies and procedures detail roles and responsibilities of governance and leadership as well as the promotion of staff well-being. 



  • After considering all of the evidence seen and heard during the visit, make a determination whether the school meets this Standard for Accreditation.
  • If the determination is that the school does not meet this Standard, the evidence to support this assessment—requirements of the Standard’s Key Concepts and/or the Indicators of Quality that are not met—must be listed in the Recommended Stipulations in Section C, below.



  • Indicate by checking all appropriate boxes the types of evidence used by the Team in its evaluation of the school’s adherence to this Standard.
  • Add additional lines as needed to include any types of evidence used but not included on the list.
  • If required evidence is not present (indicated by *), the Team must provide the school with a monitoring issue or stipulation. 


Visiting Team

Data from Observations and Interviews

Key Concept O1

Appropriate authorizations for operation*

Key Concept O2

Succession Plan*
Policies/Procedures relating to Governing Board roles and responsibilities and/or Bylaws for Governing Body *
Policies/Procedures ensuring guidelines outlining day-to-day operations of the school*
Organizational Chart*
Written Job Descriptions*
Documentation of regularly scheduled meetings of the governing body*
Documentation of governing body training/orientation

Key Concept O3

Policies and Procedures evaluating all personnel (leadership, faculty, and staff)*
Performance Evaluation Instruments*

Key Concept O4

Strategic Plans and/or Plan for Growth and Improvement*
Continuity of Education Plan*

Key Concept O5

Policies/Procedures governing students services of the school (admissions, placement of students in appropriate educational levels, transfer of academic credits)*
Policies/Procedures defining appropriate student confidentiality and protection in communication concerning students in social media, website, photographs, newsletters, etc.*
Samples of Communications to stakeholder groups

Key Concept O6

Policies/Procedures addressing student and staff code of conduct and academic integrity (including plagiarism)*
Policies/Procedures ensuring course and materials meet content copyright law and fair use guidelines*
Policies/Procedures ensuring diligence with employees, volunteers, contracted services personnel and service providers are eligible to work with children*
Code of Conduct or equivalent*

Key Concept O7

Policies/Procedures to ensure the school provides a positive work environment, adequate compensation, reasonable workloads, acceptable working conditions and complaints/grievances by members of staff*
Salary Schedule
Description of Benefits

Additional Evidence



 In this section, the Team lists: 1) any general observations regarding the degree to which the school meets each Key Concept and its Indicators of Quality, and 2) any areas in which the school exceeds the requirements of this Standard, the Key Concepts, and the Indicators of Quality.

 Instruction: In the space provided below, describe in bulleted form general observations regarding the evidence seen and heard that describes the school’s adherence to each Key Concept and its Indicators of Quality.

 Key Concept O1:

The school is legally chartered, licensed, and/or authorized by the appropriate civil authorities.

 Key Concept O2:

The school has an organizational structure clearly detailing its positions/jobs and corresponding relationships.

 Key Concept O3:

The school has a system in place for regularly assessing the effectiveness of governance, leadership, and all personnel. 

 Key Concept O4:

The school governance and leadership plan strategically for continuous school improvement.

Key Concept O5:

The governance and leadership are responsible for maintaining clear, open, and appropriate communications with and among stakeholders.

Key Concept O6:

School governance and leadership are responsible for safety and are expected to model ethical behavior to promote a safe and orderly environment.

Key Concept O7:

School policies and procedures promote a positive work climate for all personnel.


Instruction: In the space provided below, describe in bulleted form ways in which the school should be commended for meeting or exceeding the expectations of this standard. Delete this section if there are no commendations for this standard.

 The Visiting Team commends the school for meeting or exceeding the expectations in the following ways:


 In this section, the Team lists any recommendations to the school regarding how it can improve the degree to which it meets the requirements of this Standard’s Key Concepts and/or its Indicators of Quality. Recommendations are suggestions by the Team, but the school is not required to accept or act on them.

 The Visiting Team recommends:


 Recommended Monitoring Issues

 In this section, the Team lists any requirements of this Standard’s Key Concepts and/or its Indicators of Quality that require ongoing monitoring. Monitoring Issues refer to requirements that are not completely absent but that are met only partially and are either in need of completion or improvement. Monitoring issues must be addressed satisfactorily by the mid-term of the school’s term of accreditation.

 In the table below, list the specific requirement(s) of the Key Concept(s) and/or Indicator(s) of Quality school meets only partially.

  • If a requirement of the Key Concept or an Indicator is met only partially, include the number of the Key Concept or Indicator in the No. column and copy and paste the Requirement of the Key Concept or Indicator word for word in the “Requirement” column in the table below.
  • State the action that is recommended that will result in the school’s meeting fully the requirement(s) of the Key Concept and/or Indicator(s) of Quality.
  • If there are no recommended Monitoring Issues, place an X next to the word “NONE”.


No. Requirement of the Key Concept or Indicator Recommended Action

 Recommended Stipulations

 In this section, the Team lists any requirement(s) of this Standard’s Key Concepts and/or its Indicators of Quality the school does not meet and, therefore, must be added as a stipulation to the school’s accreditation.

 In the table below, list the specific Requirement(s) of the Key Concept(s) and/or Indicator(s) of Quality the school does not meet.

  • If a Key Concept or Indicator is not met, include the number of the Key Concept or Indicator in the No. column and copy and paste the Requirement of the Key Concept or Indicator of Quality word for word in the “Requirement” column in the table below.
  • If the Team’s recommendation is that this Standard is not met, there must be a sufficient number of Requirements of the Key Concepts and its Indicators of Quality to support this assessment.
  • State the action that is recommended that will result in the school’s meeting fully the requirement(s) of the Key Concept(s) and/or Indicator(s) of Quality. If there are no recommended stipulations, place an X next to the word “NONE.”


No. Requirement of the Key Concept or Indicator Recommended Action


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