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Training for Volunteers

Middle States relies on a vast network of volunteers for one of the most important aspects of our accreditation work: peer review. Middle States teams visit several hundred educational institutions each year and we offer a number of trainings to ensure that volunteers are well prepared for this work. If you have never served on a team before but are interested in learning more, please speak with your head of school about nomination to our database of visitors and contact us at

Before a school can be accredited, a team of peer educators visits to validate the school’s self-study, interview members of the community,  and observe the school in operation.  MSA-CESS expects the vast majority of these visits to be in-person in 2022-23 and beyond, although under certain circumstances, that format may change.   Please consult the Continuity of Visits Plan for information about visit formats.
Volunteer Services provides online training sessions for new volunteers, as well as for experienced team members and team chairs.  Please use one of the links below to sign up for a training session.

For trainings for schools, such as Organizing for Self-Study, please visit the Trainings for Schools page here.