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A Closer Look At Student Mental Health

Many schools are rethinking their approach to student well-being in response to a precipitous rise in anxiety and mental health issues among children and teens. Middle States member Seton Hall Preparatory School, in West Orange, N.J., designed and implemented a unique initiative to combat student anxiety and are using data to measure its impact.

In April, Middle States President Christian Talbot interviewed Jim Incardona, Ph.D., assistant headmaster for academics at Seton Hall Preparatory School, and psychotherapist and former school administrator Camille Banks-Lee, for “Mitigating Anxiety in Schools,” a “Year of the Middle States Network” event.

Incardona and Banks-Lee provided practical tips for helping students navigate anxiety and mental health challenges.

If you missed the event, you can view the recording here.

In addition, Talbot offered important resources for addressing student mental health in a series of follow-up communications. Take a look:

Keep your eye out in the fall for additional resources on student health and well-being.

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