On April 3 and April 7, 2020 we held open forums with our school leaders from around the world and across the country. It was a time of sharing advice and resources, encouraging one another, asking questions, and connecting as an educational community. We heard from online schools and schools recently making the shift to virtual instruction, from schools in New Jersey to Pakistan, from schools modifying their curriculum to an online format to support early childhood, special education, and parents. Most importantly, we came away encouraged and supported that we are all in this together.

One of the main themes in the webinar discussion was the importance of communication. It sounds a simple theme, but whether it be disseminating information, supporting positive mental health, instructing online, or providing social connections and outlets- quality communication has never been more important.
If you were not able to communicate with us directly during the forums, don’t worry! Both recorded webinars are available for viewing below. And, as always, the MSA staff is available to you; our list of staff contacts is available here or you can always reach us at accreditation@msa-cess.org.
We will be offering additional forums for sharing and additional resources based on these initial discussions. We will post and share details as soon as they are available.