From Puerto Rico to South Africa…
This fall, we visited schools and attended conferences around the globe.

Middle States President Lisa Marie McCauley, Ed.D., toured schools throughout Puerto Rico last month, including the Saint Francis School in Carolina, Puerto Rico and American Military Academy in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico.

Middle States volunteers traveled to Costa Rica where they visited schools to share ideas, teach and learn from local educators. Our team was fortunate to be able to spend time at the Country Day School in the Alajuela Province.

Last month, Middle States leaders traveled to Cape Town, South Africa for the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) 2019 Conference: “Learning from the Past, Shaping the Future.” Congratulations to AISA on 50 years of supporting international school education in Africa!

In October, we attended the NESA Council of Overseas Schools Fall Leadership Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, where we worked with our accredited international schools with long-term planning and goal setting.