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Team Visit Report

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Curricular Areas

Description and Evaluation of the Curriculum Areas in the School’s Educational Program

The school conducted a self-assessment for all of the curricular areas of the school’s educational program to determine the degree to which each area meets the Middle States Indicators of Quality for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. The intent of this self-assessment was to help a school study each curricular area from the point at which it is first introduced to students through its final level of study within the school. The self-study questions are aimed at examining the following areas related to each curricular area: 

  • Vertical and horizontal articulation;
  • Evidence of effective practices in curriculum, instruction, and assessment areas;
  • coherence and consistency of the curricular component with the Foundation Documents; and
  • Alignment of the curricular component with any applicable state and national curriculum standards.

Instruction: Copy and duplicate this section for each curricular area in the school’s self-study




The Team’s general observations regarding this curricular area.

Instruction: In the space provided below, describe in bulleted form general observations regarding the evidence seen and heard that describes this program area.

The Team’s observations regarding areas in which the school exceeds the expectations for this curricular area.

Instruction: In the space provided below, describe in bulleted form the evidence seen and heard by the Team during its visit the areas in which the school exceeds the expectations for this curricular area. DELETE THIS SECTION IF THE TEAM FEELS THAT THE SCHOOL DOES NOT EXCEED THE EXPECTATIONS OF THE CURRICULAR AREA.


The Team’s recommendations to the school regarding how it can improve the degree to which it meets the expectations for this curricular area. Recommendations are suggestions by the Team, but the school is not required to accept or act on them.

The Visiting Team Recommends: