1. Talk to prospective families about the accreditation process, including what it is
and why it matters. Review our Accreditation Talking Points for Admissions Staff.
2. Include an MSA brochure on the value of accreditation in your Admissions packet.
Contact us at info@msa-cess.org to learn more.
3. Explain what it means to be accredited on your school’s website, in promotional
materials, on social media, in your newsletter and in conversation. Need sample
language? Find it here.
4. Include the MSA‐CESS logo and a tagline to indicate that your school is accredited
on school stationery, your website and other published materials. Need an
electronic copy of the logo? Email us at info@msa-cess.org or visit the
Accreditation Resources section of our website. Also, note your Middle States‐
accredited status in your standard phone greeting, live and recorded.
5. Check out the competition. Search our website for accredited schools by location,
type, grade level or other characteristics. Find out if neighbor schools are
accredited or if it’s a unique accomplishment in your community.
6. Ready for the next step? Apply to become a Program of Distinction. Middle States
Programs of Distinction serve as models for schools throughout the world. If you
think your school has an exemplary program in any of the areas described here,
we encourage you to apply. See how other schools have leveraged this special distinction.
Saint Francis Preparatory School, Fresh Meadows, N.Y.